Can selenium do mobile testing?
There is a rapid rise in mobile testing companies offering complete mobile testing solutions. A mobile testing company plays a crucial role in ensuring the overall quality of the mobile device and mobile applications through well-defined testing activities carried out by expert mobile testers. Testers must be technically competent and knowledgeable in solving all the specific testing-related issues pertaining to a mobile application. Using selenium for mobile testing: Selenium cannot be used for mobile testing, but selenium frameworks are specially created for mobile automation testing. The two selenium frameworks are ‘Selendroid’ and ‘Appium.’ What is selendroid? It is a selenium-based test automation framework that is specially made for Android devices. It drives off the UI of hybrid and native apps. Selendroid can also be used on real devices and emulators and can easily be integrated into the Selenium grid for parallel testing and scaling. What is Appium? It is a cr...